La vida y su conservación

Las especies son esenciales en el funcionamiento de la vida en nuestra casa que es nuestro planeta; por eso, es importante conservarlas.
Con este objetivo, tenemos que saber cómo son, cómo se organizan en comunidades y cómo interactúan en los sistemas ecológicos.
En el último siglo XX, hemos visto degradaciones ambientales enormes: muchas especies en extinción o en drástica reducción de sus poblaciones, la destrucción o alteración rápida de sus ecosistemas y cambios nunca vistos en el clima del planeta. Esta gran crisis ambiental ha coincido con la disminución de las ciencias naturales en los centros académicos de referencia.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

Bouvier's red colobus monkey, a rediscovered rare primate species in RD Congo

Once again, RD Congo becomes one of the African hotspots with its rainforest large surface but the poverty, political unestable and the war play against biodiversity conservation.

This new photograph is the first ever taken of Bouvier's red colobus monkey. The rare primate is native to the forests of the Republic of Congo and highly threatened by the bushmeat trade.mar

Very little is known about the Bouvier's red colobus monkey. It was first described in 1887 and recorded only sporadically over the ensuing century. The last unverified sightings had been nearly 50 years ago. Is it extinct?
According to independent researchers, Lieven Devreese and Gaël Elie Gnondo Gobolo, it's not. The pair just released photographs of this rare primate taken in Congo's Ntokou-Pikounda National Park, a protected area created in 2013 on WCS's advice.
"Our photos are the world's first," Devreese said, "and confirm that the species is not extinct."

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